Dreamers never fail
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Dreamers never fail


An inspirational book encouraging readers to have a vision, goals and dreams and work hard to achieve them.

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This book came about during a time when I was deeply hurt because of various challenges I was experiencing at work. Little did I know that out of that time of pain and turmoil would come a book which would be celebrated, and the writing of which would afford me much relief and enjoyment. The book has its seeds in that time of great stress, when I was beginning to feel that I might have to resign. In the midst of this confusion, God gave me a topic to share with my colleagues before they started with their duties for the day. I was filled with joy after sharing the Word of God, and God continued to give me one topic after another, mostly biblical in origin. He continued to minister healing and joy in my life, despite the challenges I was facing. Ellie Khethiwe Madike


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